I’ve been playing Fallout Shelter this week and 30 dwellers in, I find it an increasingly creepy experience in bad pickup lines and breeding babies. The game is well-designed no doubt but I can see it getting old before long (which means it’s perfectly timed for that Fallout 4 launch later this year if you happen to be an android user).
Of course that was before Liore gave me ideas on twitter and well…turns out Fallout Shelter is ten times the fun when you start breeding the MMO blogosphere! Once my evil plans were set in motion, this happened –
If you’re wondering why I am on twitter, this is it. I don’t know how well the joke transports over in retrospective but I’m still laughing my ass off and I wasn’t the only one. Some days, the madness is boundless. Fallout Shelter just got so much better (and else there’s 10 more messed-up ways to spice things up) – thanks y’all!
LOL! And here’s me getting fed up of my dwellers being unhappy because I only play it for maybe half an hour per day. xD
Oh yeah u need to check in from time to time, I usually play only in the evening though. Okay, not today.
When I first got into The Sims 2, it was all because I could make Sim versions of my friends and direct their lives in bizarre ways…
This reminds me of that.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier!
OMG I’m laughing so hard at this! I’m so sad I missed this at the time it was going on. XD This is amazing!
Haha yeah that’s why I shared it, it’s too easy to miss stuff going on on twitter sometimes.