Off to Alba for a Holiday Break

Alba, a Wildlife Adventure, is a rather peaceful indie game I have been playing some time ago and can recommend if you’re into taking photos and observing wildlife in videogames. This post however is not about that.

I’m off to Scotland for the next three weeks to celebrate the start of summer there. We’re taking the car, the doggo and some buddies and head up to the northern parts of Alba that we love so much. I’ll be back with pictures and more talk about gaming and general geekery in July. Crumpets, scones and pies here I come! See you soon.

Loch Eribol and Monty


  1. Have fun!

    Oh, and when my son visited Scotland when he spent a semester at Lancaster University, he told me later that while the Scots do speak English, their accent was so thick they could barely understand it. More than once he looked at his traveling companion after an intercom announcement on their train and said, “What the hell did they just say?”

    1. Thanks!! And haha yea, It’s certainly something to get used to. I always loved Scottish dialects and I’ve developed quite an ear for them (also growing up with Billy Connolly’s comedy helped) but some areas can still be challenging. Love gaelic too but no chance there whatsoever!

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