In the midst of Cataclysm tribulations, 25man progress and recruitment, our raidguild Adrenaline has finally launched their new shiny website portal, mark 3.0. Stumps and myself have been struggling to get this live for a while and after long discussions and browsing for a new portal software that delivers the whole guild package, we’ve moved away from EQdkp Plus and on to Guildomatic.
The site is still undergoing some technical overhauls but I absolutely love the much slimmer layout and simple funtionality. I’m happy that the original Adrenaline logo I created for the guild some years ago, has made it into the new era – I spent a couple of hours shaping this up and moving away from frosty WotLK. In the meantime, Stumps got us our very own domain name and the entire guild is currently partaking in the ongoing recruitment process. Things are looking up there a little with a few promising candidates having applied just recently (we’re still looking for a couple more though! /hinthint)
This Blog here
Raging Monkeys is due its regular header overhaul real soon. I’m getting tired of Santadorf now (no offense, Grumps!), I am thinking Easter is going to be the upcoming theme. And I realize most of you, my dear readers, actually access this blog by feedreader and never get to see what I’m doing there. But I’m having fun with it myself, so it’s all good. I’d like Raging Monkeys to be a living thing that changes along with the seasons.
While a dedicated domain for the blog too is maybe worth thinking about in the future, I’ve gone and made sure Raging Monkeys is friendly towards mobile reading. I only just recently got (had to get) a smartphone myself and after realizing how tedious blogreading gets on small screen, I rushed to fix this.
Like Windsoar says, making your blog mobile friendly shouldn’t only be a standard but it’s actually really simple. WordPress has some fancier options, but Blogger offers the same basic function – so techfreak or not, you have no excuse not to do it!
For my fellow co-Blogger-bloggers, how to make your mobile audience happy in 2 easy steps:
1) Log into the Blogger draft version of your blog.
2) Go to “Settings” – “Email & Mobile”, press YES for “Show mobile template” and save settings.
Done! All it does is basically add ?m=1 by default to your blog’s URL for mobile readers. That’s right, in essense and for any blogger blog, adding ?m=1 enables mobile mode and the blog owner isn’t even required to turn it on for you to see. You can obviously help your mobile readers though by enabling it for them.
We’re off exploring!
The posting pace on Raging Monkeys is going to slow down a little for the coming 2 weeks. That’s not because we’re tired of blogging, we aren’t going anywhere – but it’s lovely snow season down here in the alps and since our last holidays together have been over 2 years ago, it was high time Stumps came down for some bobsledding action (I hear them Brits never get to see a proper sledge run!).
Meeting in World of Warcraft is a peculiar thing; you might be friends with someone in the game over the course of many years and never meet, or you might figure out that life is too short and friendship too precious in this life not to try and see whether it can transcend the boundaries of ingame.
We all need a break from work and guilding sometime – we’ll be back fresh and hopefully in one piece to take on the world of WoW once more in mid-February! In the meantime, Grumpy Dorf is going to keep vigil here, warm our seats and feed the squirrel.
Frosty greetings to all of you and enjoy your weekend everybody! We’re off exploring!