I’m starting this new week of blogging with a lovely MMO screenshot and lo and behold, a new bloggers-on-the-block roundup! It’s shocking how long I haven’t done this and not for any lack of intention. As we all know, the MMO blogosphere hasn’t only become more generalized in more recent years (which I like) but become somewhat more private since the waning of the great WoW boom. I expect all of that to change come early 2014, when TESO, WS and EQN fan blogs will be shooting out of the ground like mushrooms. New MMOs always mean fresh meat for the blogosphere, also the more generalist one.
Until then and hopefully not for the last time, there have been four newer blogs catching my personal attention lately – so in good old blogosphere neighbourly spirit, go check them out sometime and say hi!
- Maldwiz at More than just a game is ready to roll on a variety of MMO subjects, being interested in different titles as his “personal MMO history” post reveals.
- Scree, longtime lurker and resident cynic with a focus on EQNext, contacted me a while ago to say hi and check out his new place. He is still working out that blog template (and I hope he will add a comment function sometime).
- Steppen over atΒ WoW Politik is “Analyzing the community and media environment of MMORPGs” with a focus on WoW. Already he proves to be a resource for clever, in-depth and well-spoken analyzis on a more meta commentary level.
- Last but far from least, I’ve recently discovered Ravanel’s place which features a diary on her journeys through various MMOs. I am behind on this one because Ravanel has been around for the NBI in 2012 but alas, it’s the nature of blogospheres that some paths take longer to cross than others.
A warm welcome from me guys and keep blogging! Happy Monday, everybody.
Thanks for these! It’s much harder to do the cross-blog pollination with the scattering of the community across games.
Fab, few new blogs in the reader. <3 Some day I'll get time to browse blogrolls and update my own! π
Oh cool, more things for me to read! Thanks for sharing! π
Yay, thanks for the shout! And I think you’re the first person I heared talk positively about blogs getting more generalized (with which in this case I think you mean, focused on multiple games). I always got the impression that people/readers prefer blogs focused on one single game, yet I can’t get myself to do that, there’s just too many fun games out there! Of course there’s always one game I enjoy the most and consider my ‘main game’ that I write about most (SWTOR for me atm).
(As a side note, the “more private” link didn’t work for me, so you left me in suspense there.) ^^
No probs π and thanks about the link – I fixed it now.