Over the holidays I’ve been listening to a lot of retro VGM, as well as catching up with some newer soundtracks. A recurring favorite of mine in this context is the RPGamer Network radio channel that has been around for a very long time and is my go-to when doing chores or creative projects at home. It happens a lot that I check the track list to confirm my guess is right when a random tune comes up. When in doubt, guess Nobuo Uematsu and you’ll be correct 50% of the time. Over the years they have added newer indie soundtracks and the odd MMORPG music too which go along nicely with the more oldschool database.
After all this time appreciating the channel, I’ve finally gotten in touch with the folks behind the scenes on Discord and donated to the cause. I really don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner. Just like many of us olde VGM fans, the person running it is now in their 40ies and wrapped up in jobs and careers and adulting but refusing to give up the little labor of love that is RPGamer Network radio. I respect that and really recommend the channel to anyone into retro VGM tunes. Spreading the word is vital for small, free ventures such as this.

Sea of Stars cover
New soundtrack discoveries
While I don’t keep regular tabs on everything that is releasing, I’ve come across several to-me new game soundtracks more recently that have managed to delight. The majority of the games have come out in the past 2-3 years and are worth checking out for the music alone:
- Sea of Stars (YT link): The much celebrated Sea of Stars is a big homage to classic JRPGs. While it’s definitely not Chrono Trigger’s second coming, it has taken strong inspiration from the 90ies Squaresoft greats and even managed to catch the attention of Japanese videogame royalty that initially worked on Chrono Trigger. Furthermore the Canada-based developer also somehow got Yasunori Mitsuda to contribute a few compositions for the game and speak on its behalf which is WILD to say the least!
- AFK Journey (YT link): Ironically, I will probably never have time to play AFK Journey in any serious fashion but it certainly is as gorgeous and smooth a mobile RPG as they come. The music is fabulous and was actually recorded by live orchestra in L.A.
- Lost in Random (Bandcamp link): I have waxed lyrical about the composer genius that is Blake Robinson and his Synthetic Orchestra before. Known for his Chrono Trigger cover work as well as Portal Knights, he was the perfect choice for the delightfully spooky adventure that is Lost in Random. The game is so much fun!
- Astral Ascent (YT link): I have been following Dale North for a couple of years now, ever since his work for Wizard of Legend. He is a student of JRPG music and as such, the whimsy and magic in his compositions have always been strong. Strong enough in fact for Nintendo to hire this indie composer to do work for them – not bad!
- Death’s Door (YT link): One of the best indie soundtracks I have heard in recent years, easily up there with Crypt of the Necrodancer, Transistor or Hollow Knight.
- Fable Legends (YT link): Here comes the oddball! Most people, myself included, were probably unaware the last canceled Fable game had a soundtrack, much less of this size and quality! Once again Russell Shaw brought the familiar and beloved Fable themes to life – what a bummer it never saw the light of day.
As is usually the case with great VGM, many of the mentioned titles are actually really good games too that deserve a (re-)visit. That is, once I find the time anyway…at least I don’t have to feel bad slacking on AFK Journey!
You can take the Syl out of the podcast, but you can’t take the soundtrack lover out of the Syl.
Or something like that.
Haha, ’tis the truth! 🙂